AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Shellbark ‘Kingnut’ Hickory (Carya laciniosa)

AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Shellbark ‘Kingnut’ Hickory (Carya laciniosa)
Sun: full sun
Soil: ideally deep, fertile, moist soils; wet bottomlands; drought tolerant
Growth rate: slow (less than 1 ft/yr)
Mature size: 60-80 ft. height, 40 ft. spread
Landscape use: edible landscape, shade
Fruit: produces the largest of all hickory nuts, sweet, produces in 10-12 years, bearing annually
Flower: catkins
Fall color: colors all at once include orange, yellow, green, brown
Seasonal interest: shaggy bark, straight trunk with high branches; fall color is multicolored
Sustaining wildlife: host plant to 234 species of butterflies and moths including Tuliptree Silkmoth and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail; leaves and nuts eaten by birds and browsers
Planting notes: