AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
Sun: full sun or light shade
Soil: preference is moist, well-drained, acidic soil
Growth rate: moderate to fast (1-2 ft/yr)
Mature size: 6-20 ft. height, equal ft. spread
Landscape use: small landscape tree or multi-stemmed shrub, edible landscape,
Fruit: edible red/purple berries in June
Flower: white racemes in April/May (early blooming like American Plum!)
Fall color: yellow/gold/orange/rusty red
Seasonal interest: flowers, berries, fall color
Sustaining wildlife: foliage food for 124 species of caterpillars; deer and rabbit resistant; favorite of our native bees; berries loved by many birds including Cedar Waxwings
Planting notes: spreads by suckering, compaction tolerant, drought tolerant