AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)

AVAILABLE FALL 2025! Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
Sun: full sun
Soil: moist, well-drained soils
Growth rate: moderate (1-2 ft/yr)
Mature size: 35-50 ft. height, 20-35 ft. spread
Landscape use: edible landscape; sustains wildlife; medicinal (unripe fruit used in various teas)
Fruit: pale orange berry that ripens in September and October; ripe when skin is wrinkled; requires cross-pollination; trees are either male or female; fruit used to make wine, beer, breads, teas, and more
Flower: green-ish/white in late April
Fall color: little to no fall color; common for leaves to become spotted in the fall
Seasonal interest: fruit in early fall; blocky bark when mature
Sustaining wildlife: host to Luna Moth; pollinated by honey bees and bumble bees