AVAILABLE FALL 2025! American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)

AVAILABLE FALL 2025! American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)


Sun: full sun or part sun (often seen as understory)

Soil: does best in well-drained soils; drought sensitive

Growth rate: slow (1 ft/yr)

Mature size: 50-70 ft. height, 40 ft. spread

Landscape use: wide spreading canopy for shade; dense canopy; long-lived (400 years!)

Fruit: edible beechnuts

Flower: catkins

Fall color: bronze

Seasonal interest: fall color; notable smooth gray bark provides winter interest

Sustaining wildlife: leaves provide food for caterpillars like the Early Hairstreak; beechnuts eaten by mammals and many birds; historically noted as primary food for passenger pigeons

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